John C. Stennis Space Center Environmental Assurance Program ISO 14001
Public Notices
Organization Environmental Management Resource Management Waste Management Clean Up Chemical/Fuel Control
Waste Management Hazardous Waste Nonhazardous Waste Water Treatment Pollution Prevention & Recycling

The SSC Pollution Prevention Plan describes methods to prevent or reduce pollution for NASA and its contractors. Three important aspects of Pollution Prevention include waste minimization, material substitution, and use of recycled products. Whenever possible, pollution will be eliminated or reduced at the source through process changes and material substitution. Wastes that are generated will be recycled whenever possible. Wastes that cannot be prevented or recycled will be disposed of in a way that is protective of human health and the environment.

NASA is always looking for recycling opportunities, and along with the entire resident agency and contractor population at SSC has established an aggressive recycling program. This program includes recycling over twenty different materials. The table below explains how to dispose of or recycle waste, and who to contact for waste disposal.

It is NASA's goal to maximize the quantity of materials recycled and minimize the quantity of solid waste sent to our site landfill. The success of our recycling program depends upon the availability of markets for secondary materials, so we buy and use products with recycled content whenever possible.
NASA and its contractors are committed to Affirmative Procurement and are helping to create a market for recycled products. Affirmative procurement means purchasing recycled materials, supporting businesses that recycle materials, encouraging businesses to use environmentally friendly practices, and buying products that are environmentally friendly. Environmentally friendly products are those with little packaging, have little or no toxic constituents, are recyclable and biodegradable, have long life, and are of high quality.